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Hope for the City (ENG)

"Hope for the City" is a series of photos, insights and audio stories told through the lens of the people in HTBB’s community.



It’s in the name. The muddy confluence. An intersection between the rivers of people, cultures and hopes.

As a church located in the heart of this beautiful city, we believe in seeing the hope of Jesus lived out to impact our home, community, city and nation.

This study represents the majority of our congregation, young and old. We analysed at least 888 perspectives on 4 main areas of an average person’s life, the home, local community, the workplace, and the nation.

Find out what hope for the city looks like below.



"Hope for the City" is a sermon series that unfolds through a series of photos, insights and audio stories - from the perspectives of the people in HTBB’s community.

Each piece represents their enduring hope amid different circumstances — hope for their homes, neighbourhoods, city and nation.

Discover the rest of the exhibition on-site at the Lot 10 Rooftop from September 3rd - 24th.