
Confirmation 坚振礼



We have a confirmation service once a year. The next confirmation will be happening on October 26th, 2025. Click the button below to register and our team will reach out to you nearer to the date. Also, please fill up and attach this PDF file as you submit your form.

Note: We recommend a minimum age of 14 years for those who wish to be confirmed

  • As a follower of Jesus, confirmation can be an important part of a lifetime journey of faith. At a confirmation service, you reaffirm the vows that you made when you were baptised.

    This is also a chance for friends, family as well as the HTBB church community to pledge to support and pray for you. If you’re baptised and would like to take the next step, we’d love for you to be a part of this special confirmation service!

  • If you feel even a slight prompting towards getting confirmed, it’s probably right for you. Pray about this and ask others including your friends or leaders at church to help you discern it too. And even if you are unsure about being confirmed, you can still join the confirmation course before the service to find out more about what confirmation means.

    We recommend a minimum age of 14 years for confirmation candidates.




我们每年都会举办一次的坚振礼仪式。我们下一个坚振礼将会在 10月26日。若想报名,请点击以下按键,而我们的团队将与你联系!另外,请在提交表格时,填写并附上这份PDF文件

注意: 我们建议想报名的人需年满14岁

  • 作为耶稣基督的追随者,坚振礼可以是你信仰之旅非常重要的一个部分。在坚振礼上,你会重申你受洗时的誓言。

    当天也会有人承诺支持你和为你祈祷,包括你的朋友,家人以及 HTBB团体 。会督也会按手在你的头上,祈求圣灵赐给你力量,让你按照主的旨意生活。

  • 如果你觉得在你生命中的这个阶段坚振礼对你来说是对的选择,那么它很可能就是正确的。你可以为这件事祷告,并邀请教会中的其他人为你一起祷告。您也可以与您的牧师交谈。即使您不确定是否准备好接受坚振礼,您也可以参加坚振礼课程来多多了解,并帮助您做出由衷的决定。

    注意: 我们建议想报名的人需年满14岁